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Which Financial Tools Are Right for You?

BeaLarrieu's picture
Submitted by BeaLarrieu on Wed, 09/23/2020 - 22:55

I do not believe that there are good or Click Wealth System Reviewbad financial products; anymore than I believe that the tools in my tool box are good or bad. I do believe that each tool serves a specific purpose and if you use it the right way, you stand a better chance of getting the job done correctly. You wouldn't use a screwdriver to drive a nail into the wall, would you? Ok, it might work a little, but your best chance for success is to use the right tool. Financial products operate the same way. Mortgages, life insurance, mutual funds, stock, bonds, and annuities, to name a few, all serve specific purposes. All have pros and cons. Look any of them up on the internet and you will see people who love them and people who hate them.

Each of these products may have many variations, such as life insurance. You can purchase, term insurance, whole life, universal life, variable universal life, equity indexed universal life, etc. Choices, choices, choices!

The biggest problem with "financial planning" today, is the lack of finding out what a client's goals are.

Too many agents sell products to make the commission - that's the only goal they are truly concerned about. Other agents are not licensed to sell the products which would be best for hitting their client's goals and often bad-mouth those products to steer their clients away from them. I have sat with clients who were "brainwashed" by their current agent about how "evil" certain products were, yet most of them could not tell me how those products truly operated. I was fortunate enough to open their eyes to the positive benefits of those products and helped change the direction of many financial households.