If you get 1000 mg. in your diet, the liver only30 Day Gut Reset Review makes 1000 mg., giving you a total of 2000 mg for the day. If you consume zero for 24 hours, your liver makes 2000 mg for the day, if you consume 1500 mg. in food, your liver only makes 500 mg. more for the day. You get the idea. If you don't get cholesterol in food, your liver makes it. If you do get it in food, your liver makes 2000 mg, minus the amount you consumed that day.
The bottom line is, food accounts for a maximum of 20% of your total at any given time, which means 80% of the reason for a high, low or normal total HAS NOTHING WHATSOEVER TO DO WITH WHETHER OR NOT YOU CONSUME CHOLESTEROL CONTAINING FOODS, which means trying to control your total level by rigorously avoiding animal-based food products is a misguided and highly inefficient approach.
The key to healthy numbers is to get the cell to gather what it needs out of the blood and NOT produce cholesterol internally.
By gathering from the blood, total blood levels typically stays well within a healthy range, and the important HDL to LDL ratios also stay in the healthy range.