First, God is often referred to in the Bible The Medici Code as Jehovah. Jehovah is literally translated to mean "the Lord." In Exodus 6:2-6, God tells Moses that He is the Lord and that he revealed himself to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob as God Almighty and not by His name, the Lord. God also tells Moses to tell the Israelites that God said He (God) is the Lord and He will bring them out from under the yoke of the Egyptians. You probably know the next thing scripture says about this situation. The Israelites didn't listen to Moses because they were so down trodden by the bondage the Egyptians had held them under for so long.
Aren't we like the down trodden Israelites at times? Don't we too get so engrossed in and discouraged by the crummy situations we find ourselves in that we often forget the promises Jehovah - the Lord God Almighty - has made to us? I know I sometimes do. When we find ourselves oppressed by the situations and circumstances that surround us, it's so important that we go to the Word and read what Jehovah has promised us. For one, He promises that He will never leave us or forsake us. He also assures us that He is the Lord God Almighty and that He always works everything for the good for those who love Him.
Another name the children of the Bible use to refer to our heavenly Father is Jehovah Jireh. This name means "the Lord will provide." In Genesis 22:14 we read that Abraham, after being willing to sacrifice Isaac to the Lord and being allowed to sacrifice a nearby ram instead, called the place where this encounter took place, "the Lord will provide." The scripture says that "to this day it is said, 'on the mountain of the Lord it will be provided.'" This is Jehovah Jireh.