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When Accu Check Becomes a Necessity

Submitted by Norberto on Wed, 10/14/2020 - 20:58

A well-planned diabetic diet sample will Frontline Diabetes take the reader through at least one day of planned meals. Using what will likely be the diabetic food pyramid, the diabetic diet sample should include food exchanges and how to use them. Using an example, the diabetic diet sample will build meals based on a number of exchanges to clarify the method that a diabetic will use to create his or her own meals. A diabetic diet sample may also include recipes that are based on food exchanges. Cooking a stew, for example, may include exchanges from several different food groups. You may use meat exchanges, vegetable exchanges, and fat exchanges to create a stew or casserole. Meals based on a combination of exchanges may seem difficult at first but will soon become second nature. Keeping your diabetic diet samples and your diabetic recipes close at hand will give you the tools you will need for a successful diabetic diet.

Arm yourself with as many diabetic diet samples as you can access. The more samples you have the more food choices you will have to begin with. Until you become familiar with the process of creating meals from you allotment of food exchanges, let these diabetic diet samples will be your guide. Don't' worry at first about creating your own meals. Once you are comfortable with planning your own recipes and meals, you will find that you can share your own diabetic diet samples with other newly diagnosed diabetics.