Yoga classes are found in nearly everyYoga Flow Review town and community in the world, with a few exceptions of course. Joining a regular class can greater increase your backs flexibility and give you better postural alignment, decreasing your risk of back problems that can overtime become chronic and very painful.
It is wise to begin yoga stretching slowly with the aid of a qualified yoga instructor. Some people like to start out with 2 classes of beginning yoga to start and gradually build up to more advanced levels or simply increase the number of times a week they attend. You know you and your back the best and can make decisions based on your particular needs or schedule.
If you have a severe back problem that considerably interfere with your physical movement, daily activities or exercise ability, you might want to consider working with a professional yoga trainer who can give you quality attention for your specific needs. There are yoga therapists who specialize in back issues, so that they can adapt the yoga exercises to your detailed requirements.