"Appearing for a viva exam? Let’s first understand what exactly is a viva exam, also known as viva voice or oral examination. It is a crucial evaluation method used in academia and professional settings which involves a face-to-face assessment where candidates answer questions related to their research, thesis, or knowledge in front of an expert panel.
The Viva Exam provides an opportunity for in-depth discussions, allowing examiners to gauge the candidate’s understanding, critical thinking, and ability to articulate their ideas effectively. Viva Exams are designed not only to assess a candidate’s knowledge but also their ability to think critically, defend their research, and demonstrate their expertise.
This guide will equip you with valuable tips, techniques, and insights to excel in your Viva Exam, empowering you to confidently showcase your expertise. So, let’s embark on this journey together and maximize your chances of success!
How a Viva Exam is Conducted
The structure of a viva exam depends on the institution and the academy’s discipline. In general, a viva voce exam is conducted in the following ways:
For the viva test, the student is called into a particular space.
The viva exam is typically conducted by a panel of examiners.
The examiner asked the question which is related to the specific topic.
It is an oral question-and-answer session.
The duration of viva depends on the level and the subject.
The overall performance in the viva exam contributes to the final grading."