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What is orthodontics and what are its functions?

The Miami Beach Orthodontics is the specialty to study and correct alterations in occlusion and alignment of teeth. With it we achieved a great improvement both in the function of the bite and in the aesthetics of your smile.

Orthodontist close To Me is person who can help you in placing Brackets in your teeth so that your teeth come in proper shape.
Aesthetic Brackets
Consisting of materials like sapphire, ceramics or polysulfones. They are especially indicated for adult patients and are completely transparent, so they blend in with the colour of your teeth. This way orthodontic treatment is achieved and it will pass as unnoticed as possible.
The advantages in relation to the metallic ones are:

  1. High aesthetic degree
  2. Value for money
  3. Comfort with a smooth surface and contours
  4. Allergies: avoid possible reactions to metal.

Low Friction Self-Ligating Brackets
Designed for patients by who need little time to perform their orthodontic treatment. It allows faster, more physiological and effective results, without the need for extractions, with less discomfort, and fewer scheduled appointments than traditional metal ones.
Self-ligating brakets
Technically the Damon Systems do not need ligatures. The arch is fixed to the bracket through a door that closes, achieving in much less time results that were previously impossible.
Metallic Brackets
They are those traditionally used in orthodontics at any age. With them good results are achieved and its main advantage in relation to aesthetics is:

  1. Reduced cost
  2. Minor volume
  3. Shorter treatment time

In children this type of device is ideal, since they do not usually give as much importance to aesthetics as adults and they are also cheaper.
Another advantage of this type is its versatility, since it is possible to solve complex treatments in the shortest time possible, in relation to another type of appliance.
Metal brackets
You can choose preventive Orthodontics for Children by Orthodontist Nearby. Orthodontic treatment is usually carried out between 6 and 12 years of age. Removable appliances are almost always used, which control the position and growth of the jaw and maxilla.
Lingual or Incognito Orthodontics

  • It is a completely invisible orthodontic treatment because the brackets are located on the inside of the teeth.
  • It is the ideal alternative for patients who do not want any type of visible equipment during the time the treatment lasts.
  • At no time will anyone notice that you wear braces and therefore your work life and social relationships will not be affected.
  • Like other types of orthodontics, it helps to solve dental malposition problems, but with the advantage that they are practically invisible.

The disadvantages in this type of treatment are:

  1. Discomfort for the major language.
  2. Difficulty maintaining adequate oral hygiene, since the appliances are fixed and make brushing difficult.

To search Top Orthodontist Near Me one can take help of friends and Google as it is must to find best Orthodontist to keep your smile healthy.