Golden and crispy, the nuggets adorn the posters on the walls of fast food outlets, and in their frozen version (ready to go to the pan) they are stored in our refrigerator. It’s delicious and idyllic image makes more than one crave a good portion of this food. But is this food really healthy and fresh?
Did you know what chicken nuggets are made of?
Know what the chicken nuggets of the well-known "fast food" or fast food are made of.
Similar to a kind of frozen strawberry yogurt or a giant chewing gum, the pink paste that illustrates this note is used to make the famous nuggets. The nuggets are the result of grinding whole chickens "mechanically separated", as revealed by the American Michael Kindt in his blog Early Onset of Night.
And the process does not stop there. Since the resulting mass is full of bacteria, it is washed with ammonia to kill them. Then, to hide the unpleasant taste of the chemical compound, the pasta is artificially flavored and colored.
In " The Omnivore's Dilemma", A book that describes the entire manufacturing process of nuggets and their supplies, describes, for example, that these small fried and yellow pieces that children like so much, are not only made of this pink paste, but also their content is 56% corn, and that in addition to corn, and to a lesser extent chicken -systematically ground-, it also details, the thirty-eight ingredients that make up a nugget of one of the largest American fast food chains, among which are find tertiary butylhydroquinone, or TBHQ, a petroleum-derived antioxidant that is sprayed directly onto the nugget or the inside of the box it comes in to help preserve it. According to the Consumer's Dictionary of Food Additives, TBHQ is a form of butane (lighter fluid).
The image that has made many people consider eating nuggets again in their lives.
The news has caused such a stir that even the renowned chef James Oliver, on his television show Food Revolution broadcast on ABC, made his own demonstration of this process, in an attempt to keep children away from this food, which had no results. very positive. NatGeo also aired a show revealing how "mechanically separated" foods were processed.
Research what you eat, we all have the right to know the processes that industrialized foods go through, since, once ingested, they become part of our body. It is never too late to change eating habits.