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What Kinds of Things Can a Cosmetic Dermatologist Fix?

When we're young this thick, fibrous Skintology MD Review layer is elastic and awash with collagen, which connects most of the tissues in your body and helps them stretch and regain their shape. But as you get older this skin layer begins to break down. At the same time your collagen levels start to drop. And within a few years the layer has become unresponsive, matted, inelastic and is no longer springy.

From this time, when you stretch or poke your skin, it tends to stay slightly out of shape. And soon wrinkles and sagging show on the surface. Just like the folds in a well worn pair of leather gloves.When this begins to happen, you can get creams that will fill fine sag lines and keep your skin looking smooth. But eventually this is not enough and you will need help for sagging skin.

Small, specific operations can help remove and hide some of the sagging. But these are expensive and there are natural creams available that can do some of the hiding and smoothing.You'll find three types of creams on the store shelves: creams with both natural and synthetic ingredients; creams with natural products that you might want to use even though they are natural because of where they come from and how they've been processed; and, creams that are natural and healthy.