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What It Takes For Entrepreneurial Success Online

That doesn't mean he won't benefit from ongoing The Light Code Review support and encouragement, we all do, in fact I'd say that being part of a support community is one of the "secret" keys to success. But at the end of the day no matter how many friends and supporters he's got, in the end it's up to him. There is no easy way he can't simply hire someone to do the training runs for him and expect to turn up ready on the day!

Another common example is people who win the lottery; studies show that a few years after winning many "winners" are back where they started or even worse off. They probably hadn't learned to manage their income before their win, so it's no surprise that they didn't manage their money well after their windfall either.

Whereas, entrepreneurs who build a successful business which then goes bad, leaving them with nothing - will very often build another successful company. The important thing here is that they may lose the business and all of their money, but they haven't lost the skills and knowledge that they developed the first time around and they can learn from their "failure" and start again.