Body language also includes facial The Light Code Review expressions. Our facial expression can either attract people to us or cause them to avoid us. All human beings have the innate ability to read facial expressions with some degree of accuracy and do react to it.Picture yourself walking down the sidewalk and passing someone with a mean scowl on their face. Would you introduce yourself to that person or would you be more apt to avoid them? Your facial expression can tell someone if you are approachable or unapproachable.
Another very important communication secret is our behavior. Yes, our behavior is a form of communications and says volumes about who we are. Our behavior can say what our character is like, how honest we are, how much we care, and more. If our behavior is consistently poor we can't expect much success in life. However, if our behavior is fairly good we can expect more successes than failures. The good thing about our behavior is that most of it is changeable with some introspection and determination.
As you might see with the examples we have looked at above, it is actually a combination of things that make up how we communicate to others, which in turn can affect our success in life. You might also see that to have success in life we need others. This is exactly why how we communicate with them has a direct bearing on our own success in life.