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What Exactly Causes Hair Loss - And What Can We Do to Treat It?

The consumption of soybeans and products Hair Revital X Review containing soybeans can be helpful. Soybeans contain a natural estrogen-like substance that can mimic estrogen in the body. This consumption of soybeans can help to level out the estrogen levels in a woman's body which can be especially helpful during menopause.

Stress elimination and stress reduction exercises can also be beneficial. High stress levels can cause temporary hair loss, but permanent hair loss is usually not stress related.There are many claims for products that will re-grow hair. The only approved product to re-grow women's hair is women's Rogaine which can be purchased over-the-counter.

Nutrients, proteins and minerals are absorbed into the body through the small intestines. Women with gastrointestinal issues can lack the absorption of these substances that can cause the loss of hair. If you have irritable bowel syndrome or other gastrointestinal issues and an unusual loss of hair contact your physician with your concerns. You may be able to take digestive enzymes or non-dairy acidophilus after each meal to help with digestion and increase your uptake of vitamins, nutrients and minerals.