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What Electret Condenser Microphone Should You Use For Home Recording Guitar

Submitted by Tianli on Sun, 11/22/2015 - 22:43

A electret condenser

microphone condenser microphone is a device made to capture waves in air, water

or hard material and translate them to an electrical signal. The most common method

is via a thin membrane Producing some proportional electrical signal.Most condenser

microphones in use today for audio use electromagnetic generation (dynamic

microphones), capacitance change (condenser microphones) or piezoelectric generation

to produce the signal from mechanical vibration.What are the differences between the

types of microphones available? Well, that's what we'll be looking at in this


There are a lot of things to consider when it comes to the sound you get from your

microphone, not only in terms of price and quality, but Also Where You Actually place

the mic in relation to your amplifier.Whilst the chances of getting a great

Consistently recording are better with a high-quality microphone, price and quality

do not always match. However, with that said, when it comes to high-quality

recording, notice the most part of the entire process is the original sound source.

If you're original sound from the microphone is good to begin with it will have fewer

problems Generally at the later stages when you are mixing.

Condenser Microphones

Condenser mics are Generally more expensive than dynamic microphones; however they do

share a lot of the same characteristics.You'll find That a lot of condenser

microphones are used when recording vocals. Most artists record vocals through a

large diaphragm qin yi electronic condenser

microphone Because they are a little less harsh than a dynamic mic, can be smoother

sounding and have a Broader frequency range.

Condenser microphones apr not be entirely Suitable For Use in an ordinary house as

they could well receive sound from telecom visions, neighbors or sounds from the

streets.Some condenser mics have a cardioid polar response while others have an

omni-directional pattern. This means That they pick up sound equally from all

directions. What's great about some condenser microphones Is that they have switch-

able polar patterns. This means they can be cardioid, hyper-cardioid or super-

cardioid like a dynamic microphone, but can Also be figure 8, Which means it'll

accept sound from the front and back, or omnidirectional, meaning it will accept

sound from all round.

You can find some great qinyitecs condenser

mics for $ 150 - $ 250, Which will serve most home recording needs. There are

absolutely tons on the market, even at the lower end of the price range.Another

factor to take into Consideration Is that condenser microphone time require power to

the operate. Some will take an internal battery but others need to be powered

remotely from the mixing desk. This is done through a power source called the Phantom
