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What Do People Pray?

The ego mind wants to exert control and The Medici Code Review create order to the random events you encounter each day. Therefore everything you experience is placed in some context or frame of reference for your understanding. This process is necessary or else you would have to relearn all your social skills over and over again. However with awareness you see how those patterns of recognition are sometimes limiting and sometimes very negative. Rigid beliefs about how and why the world is as it is can blind people from accepting differing opinions. The belief that the Bible stories of creation are literal explanations of human development is an example of how beliefs can prevent people from accepting other theories of evolution.

Whatever you experience in life, however you label it, is your interpretation of the event. For example, success and adversity are on a sliding scale of interpretation. What is success for you is dependent solely upon how you define it. The same for adversity, how do you define adversity in your life? If you can drop your attachment to those types of definitions, you can start living in acceptance of what life brings you. Whatever life brings to you is for your growth. You can change any belief by inquiry.

Look at your thoughts; try to understand where they come from and why you feel that way. Sitting in a busy shopping mall and watching the people stream by, start noticing your thoughts about the people you see. Do your thoughts make negative judgments about each person? Do you compare yourself to them in any way? Think about where the thoughts come from and why. This exercise of looking at your thoughts will tell you much about your beliefs about yourself and your relationship to the world. As beliefs are resolved they lose their identity. You become much more than an individual self. You become a universal self that flows with life and stress can no longer be a part of your experience.