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What is This Candidia Esophagitis?

Never take breast implant surgery lightly simply The Menopause Myth Review because it is one of the 'beauty' surgeries often undergone by many women. There are risks associated with this outpatient surgery and some women can tell horror stories that have resulted simply by not choosing the right doctor or by not being thorough in researching techniques and types of implants.

Women suffering from vaginal odor often ignore it like I did. We prefer to put up with it instead of getting it treated immediately to avoid any major health complications at a later stage. Having a smelly vagina is a big hassle and many women find it extremely embarrassing. Personally for me it was a dreadful condition. On certain days my smell used to be so bad that I did not even dare to go out. I used to invent excuses to avoid social outings with my friends and partner in particular.

I tried out a number of home remedies to treat vaginal odor on my own. Some of these remedies worked while others did not. In this article I am going to share bv cures which gave me relief from my smelly vagina. To begin with it is important to understand the cause of your smell. In most cases it is caused by discharge occurring during the menstruation cycle or after sex, tight clothes, excessive sweating, making use of scented body washes and deodorants in vaginal area and douching.