The key seems to be the upper leftSpade SB-66 Review quadrant of the clitoris, who'd have guessed?His advice on swimming is to get a copy of the Total Immersion DVD and book, hey, they worked for him.
He has a lot of workouts, diet advice, vitamin and supplement recommendations and before and after photos of people who have figured out their own tricks to loose fat and gain muscle. A lot of this stuff is only of interest to the wanna be Mr Universe crowd and I'm afraid that my hours with free weights days are behind me.
I saw Timothy Ferriss on The View, where he gave his usual Advice From On High and appeared to be genuinely shocked when Barbara Walters questions some of his expert recommendations. The 4-Hour Body is fun, and he does bring together a lot of information from a wide range of sources. But I guess I'm too much like Tim, I'd already read most of the books he did, so there was little new in the 4-Hour Body for me.