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What are the advantages of having a copyright for a book?

Submitted by LegalWizin on Thu, 07/29/2021 - 03:42

Copyright registration has the following advantages:

  • Registration creates a public record and a legal proof of ownership. This allows the owner to take legal actions in case of an infringement and claim statutory damages
  • Allows creators of original artistic works to protect and monetize their rights. This can be done by making copies, selling, publishing, broadcasting, create derivative works etc. The rights can also be licensed or assigned to someone for use for a sum of money or any other form of economic return.
  • Along with that it allows the copyright holder to enforce his/her moral rights over the copyright.
  • The creator has the right to exercise control over use of their literary and artistic materials.

A copyright holder of a book can publish the book, do a public reading, make copies and earn from it, claim royalty or credit in any works that are inspired or derived from the book, for e.g. if someone’s plans to make a movie based on this book the original author must be given credit. And the owner will have the right to sue anyone who tries to infringe his/her right.