EoC was half done(less than half) as it was published. M&S rework over half but buy RuneScape gold almost completely ignored shed tables. Nevertheless after years you may find lot of issues although both was updates. When is DG supervisors hp raised? Probably never. Why coaching Attack, Strength and Defence don't have any gaps with melee(such as pre-eoc)? Could just mix Str+Att, and make Defence work just like hp(I'm not suggesting this). Veteran or not, everyone can find a lot of issues RuneScape has by creating new account and trying lot of things.
If rock spirits were ore or bar drops they would have been a comparable cost. The problem is that nobody trains the skill because they are so low level working with the previous bars. Aviansies dropped addy bars that individuals used to train smithing now they drop adamant stone spirits but no one uses adamant anymore because it's currently the same tier as steel used to be if aviansie dropped steel bars back in the afternoon that they wouldn't have been a good moneymaking method either. Ore/bar drops that were adamant should have been converted to bane or necronium spirits and necronium and bane would have to be the way to train smithing with no goldsmelting.
But everybody gets their mining xp from mining animica so those prices are far lower than they'd have been when the primary means of training mining was still low level ores and dropping them. Iron ore/granite that was like was. Yea that is what I meant. Stone spirits itself are not issue. But how level slayer monsters fall stone spirits instead of higher tier ones. Or lvl monsters shed steel/mithril, they ought to shed at least rune. Barbarian Assault gambling rewards are worth ~ 50x more than stone spirits and mostly t70 +.I do mostly enjoy all of the new content though I believe last year's upgrades (Kebos Lowlands and Prifdinnas) were much much better. Karuulm slayer dungeon, forinthry dungeon,'farming guild, Gauntlet, Zalcano, and crystal trees are all wonderful content releases. I believe they kinda missed the bar although I was excited about Darkmeyer and Nightmare boss.. Drop table should've been like Corp in which you make a little profit 1m/hr or so even without uniques. Idk why they chose to earn a high effort boss with nonstop prayer flicking that hurts and gives carpal tunnel, where you actually eliminate money if you don't get extremely lucky.
As for Darkmeyer, the bloodstream shard is crap and there is probably no way it could truly be made without being OP, worthwhile. Mine is decent. Sepulchre isn't worth doing solely for XP if you're under 92 agility (Prifdinnas rooftops actually gives more xp than level 82 Sepulchre even if you are NOT looting) so many individuals who finish grinding black graceful do not have a motive to perform it anymore.I believe you, summoning is game altering. It had been great, we have a good deal more suport when bossing/slayer/skilling, if sgs, guthans. It is a suport skill. Nevertheless, the chief reason it had been released was for monsters, that the current combat system couldn't pickup.
We'll get at a point in RuneScape where whip is already a shit weapon and also they need to release something which's more successful and summoning did this without change RuneScape a lot. But that has been a game that is different which osrs is. I think that OSRS is no more in precisely the same way as RS3 is now, the history of RuneScape have to be changed, such as they did in certain quests, Monkey Madness 2, Dragon Slayer 2, ToB, etc.. I am against any skills from RS3, cause it is no more that match timeline. But I feel as launch a new skill and OSRS need to keep up in development. Something could be battle changing, skilling changing, something that will alter the present metas. However they will need to be careful not to runescape 2007 gold raise content that is dead.