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Weight Loss Versus Fat Loss - Unlocking the Body of Your Dreams Part II

Lack of proper absorption of vitamin D by the body Use Curafen Review of definite medicines like Phenytoin, Rifampin and PhenobarbitalIf a higher than normal range is reported, it is called Hypervitaminosis D. This condition may result in high levels of calcium in blood, damage of soft tissues and bones. Some of the symptoms of Hypervitaminosis D are constipation, fatigue, dehydration, increased appetite and vomiting.

Vitamin D Test Kit These days, with the progress in science and technology, performing a vitamin D test is now possible even at home. It is not necessary to visit the doctor anymore to get this test done. There are blood test spot kits available and you can take help of these kits to do it all by yourself. The finger is punctured at a spot to collect a few drops of blood on a special kind of blotting paper. The result is generally accurate and easy to understand.

Vitamin D Test Results Depending upon your reports, you have to increase or decrease the intake of vitamin D. If you are deficient in Vitamin D, you can obtain it from exposure to sunlight and dietary supplements. Milk, fish, fish oils, eggs, pork, chicken and other animal proteins are good sources of vitamin D. An increased consumption of food products rich in vitamin D and added supplemental sources like multivitamins can be of help to combat this inadequacy. A condition of Hypervitaminosis D can be treated by stopping or curtailing the intake of vitamin D in your regular diet.