Velocity Ultra is headed to Buy FIFA 16 Coins the PlayStation 3 this year, according to a cavalcade by Curve Studios PR and FIFA 16 Coins business administrator Rob Clarke on the PlayStation Blog.Futurlab's accommodate of the PlayStation Mini ballista Velocity was appear for PlayStation Vita in June, and the PS3 adaptation will cover the graphical updates, trophies and leaderboards that premiered on the handheld. The accessible PS3 adaptation will not abutment cross-buy or cross-save with added versions, and Futurlab managing administrator James Marsden explained why in the blog post's comments."Since we (Futurlab) cocky appear on PS Vita, and Curve Studios are publishing on PS3," Marsden wrote, "it wouldn't accomplish any banking faculty for Curve to advertisement if it were Cross-Buy (because so abounding humans got the PS Vita adaptation for chargeless on PlayStation Plus).
We anticipation it was bigger to accept the bold on PS3 afterwards cantankerous buy than not at all. Achievement you can accept this..."He aswell explained that the because it has two publishers, "(which are both baby with bound budgets to accomplish this accepting happen), it would accept been too abundant plan to do cantankerous save as it is a complicated process."Velocity Ultra's PS3 will, however, allotment trophies with its handheld counterpart, and Marsden apologized for any disappointment the account may cause."Sorry if you're aghast by this," he wrote, "but afresh it's the abandoned options we had available!"