Do you fear from the intercourse? Aren’t you physically fit to take the pleasure of sexual activity? It seems like you are a patient of erectile dysfunction. You must use Kamagra for the treatment of erectile dysfunction because it provides you sexual energy within half an hour. Kamagra is mainly composed of an FDA approved pharmaceutical known as Sildenafil Citrate. After the intake of Kamagra, its ingredients get dissolved in your blood and relax the muscles of the penis. It improves the blood flow to the penis so smoothly that a tough and unbreakable erection is achieved quickly. It would be wondrous to know that Kamagra is easily available online in many countries. Whenever you plan to have sex, just take Kamagra 25 to 30 minutes before the participation. You will need a glass of water to eat Kamagra. It should be taken only once in a day and not more than that. Its above-recommended dose is enough to enjoy the coitus for up to 4 hours. A headache, dizziness, bloody urine, loss in hearing, prolonged erection, and painful urination are some of the side effects of Kamagra which grows in your body on the overdose. Ajanta Pharma is the only company which produces Kamagra on a large scale in jelly and tablet form. Kamagra jelly has more users than Kamagra tablets due to fast interactions in the body and quick erection. Women, children, and patients of kidney, liver, and heart diseases are strictly prohibited to consume Kamagra as it is not safe for them. Kamagra should be stored in a cool and dry place where the rays of sunlight could not reach. Don’t allow children and pet animals to come in contact with Kamagra at any time.