If you include weight training and strength training to your You Can’t Hate Yourself Thin Review exercise regimen, you will be able to develop a good muscle mass. Muscles require more calories to maintain themselves, and hence you will be able to lose weight quickly.
Eating good carbohydrates and fats is a better option instead of totally cutting down on them. You have good carbohydrates in fruits and eating ripe and sweet fruits will satiate you, if you have a sweet tooth also. Fats are needed for the body and brain to function more efficiently and hence your diet should contain at least 30% of fats. However, these fats should be good fats.Instead of eating fried vegetables, you should opt for boiled vegetables since boiled vegetables are easy to digest and do not contain oil that may increase your weight.
You must give up drinking fizzy drinks like soda or other sweet drinks because they add up to your weight. Instead you can opt to have more of water. Water improves your metabolism and hence you will be able to lose weight quickly. If you drink water before your every meal, you will eat less of food. Several sips of water should be drunk when you eat your meal so that you will feel fullness more quickly and hence will not over-eat.