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There Shall Be No More Tears

Jesus addressed the ego issues of his Sacred Sound Healing System followers many times. Several of the apostles asked Jesus if they would be sitting on his right hand in heaven. Jesus mentioned that the one who will sit there must be the greatest servant of all. In other words the one showing the most selfless service would occupy that spot next to him. They would occupy it because of the bigness of their hearts and not their good deeds. In time all the apostles were martyred except for his beloved John. He had predicted that John alone would die of natural causes well into his 80's. Most of the history of Jesus' life was handed down orally through John.

I also had a vision of him one Easter Sunday at church. They were singing hymns about Lord Jesus. I saw him standing there humbly accepting all the accolades offered. I don't believe he meant to be so deified. When he mentioned being the way, the truth and the light, I believe that meant that the path and the truth he knew was on was the way out of darkness towards light. He was a true way shower for us. He personally did not need all the praise and recognition. He was there to teach and mentor. People have been put to death for not accepting Jesus as the "way". The narrowness of interpretation is the cause of disharmony and suffering some times.

His sacrifice was extremely significant but in a slightly different view. He kept saying that the generations kept asking blood of the saints. There was one way to secure his message, and that was to die for it. Most bible scholars agree that the crucification of Jesus in and of itself would not have sustained his message. Romans crucifying people was a rather common occurrence. It was the mass sighting of his ascension that put his name on the map. He did not end as a martyred victim but had overcome death. The group of 500 or more watched him ascend and that was the powerful vision that poll vaulted his way or truth into the future.