Teak:All decorated in teak wood can be said to be the uncrowned king of teak prolific in Indonesia, Myanmar, Thailand, South America and other places, because the teak wood itself is hard, not easy to deformation, so use more. Teak 70% from Indonesia, Burma, since 1998 our country has banned imports of this wood from Thailand, so the name of "imported from Thailand" brand on the market today are mostly fake wood. Because teak wood itself is rather special, Indonesia, Myanmar Timber their own merits. Indonesian teak on the strength and toughness of the more obvious, but poor elasticity and shrinkage; Burmese teak in the above aspects are relatively good, again "Mandalay" produced timber is best.
Red sandalwood
Red Tan is a commercial name, the scientific name "wire Son," the majority of South American origin. The wood veins more delicate, can minimize the fight color and texture of the loss, it is suitable for the hall area of 20-45 square meters, but due to the reddish color, it is difficult with.
"Massaranduba" wood itself hard, good elasticity, poor shrinkage, it is recommended to use paint the floor. "Massaranduba" process in the construction process, should be particularly careful not to damage the front of the floor and to minimize scratches, otherwise it will be difficult to repair, and as far as possible in contact with water, because it is difficult to recover after deformation.
Floor of rosewood and rosewood furniture, our home is quite different wood species, do not be confused. Rosewood is a commercial name, the scientific name "large fruit sandalwood" produced in South America, part of a sandalwood, simply because of its pattern of Yamagata, laying 40-60 square meter hall will form a beautiful pattern rolling Yamagata, Therefore, in a more multi-use hall. Rosewood wood itself is relatively stable, easy to dry and because of their high fat ebony volume and aroma exudes, therefore anti-corrosion, anti-moth is good, moisture resistance is also good.
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