This is a huge mistake since it is an easy CSGO Skins for your opponent. Sometimes this is unavoidable, but there are a few ways to eliminate the risk. First, use cover to make sure the enemy cannot see you when you throw the grenade.
This can be tougher, but if you learn a lot of the angles of the map, you can often bounce the grenade off of something or throw the grenade over cover. Another way is to have teammates cover you while you are throwing a grenade. Another generic tip is to use a counter strike command to bind certain grenades to unused mouse buttons.Counter-Strike:
Source is renowned for it's multiplayer in Europe with many gaming leagues including it in their game list. Counter-Strike:Source known as CSS from now doesn't have a single player but this doesn't take from the experience of the game as multiplayer offers much for the beginner, to the experienced player, whether that's at CSS itself or FPSs. CSS has a very different play style to most other FPSs, for example the largely popular Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, which in my opinion, is easier to play than AK-47 Skins CS GO.