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From Something to Nothing to Something

Stephen said Moses was "MIGHTY in his WORDS and his Angelum Lucis Review deeds". There is no mention of any speech impediment anywhere else in the Bible other than when Moses tried to avoid going back to Egypt. Why was Moses so hesitant to go back? Having been "mighty in words" and deeds leading the army of Egypt, Moses had felt the calling to free his people 40 years previous. He thought his people would recognize this calling, they didn't.
There is a shift in awareness taking place in the minds and hearts of many people around the world. We are coming to realize that we have some higher purpose on the planet to perform in the service of humanity. It is not the case that we are born, grow up with life experiences that shape who we are, grow old and die and that is the end. We have this nagging feeling that we have something profound to do here. We may not be quite sure what that higher purpose is, but know that there is some path, not yet lit, that we should follow in order to accomplish our agreed upon task. We are called lightworkers and we know we are here to perform some divine task and are anxious to find the way to fulfil it.

According to V. Sanders of the website "A lightworker is, in essence, a person who experiences a higher calling to help people and the world itself through prayer, healing, meditation, energy work and related practices. Persons who may designate themselves light workers might be involved in Reiki or other energy healing, yoga, chiropractic massage or a whole laundry list of natural or spiritual healing techniques. The one commonality that they all share is the belief that the desire to do whatever work they are doing in the field of healing is the product of a higher calling, and ultimately fulfils their purpose on this planet."