Some Pop-up Greenhouse breeds are raised for the purposes of their meat and eggs. Some breeds are ornamental while others can help you in breeding. Studying will help acquaint you with the diverse breeds that you may choose to raise.
Ducks are great. They can be goods pet and a good source of profit. Always be prepared to take care of these wonderful creatures.
You may consult a reliable duck farming guide if necessary.
That was my first question, when I was asked to direct and produce a 12-part BBC series about five specialists working a Welsh hill farm as it would have been in the 17th century.
I have to admit I was rather sceptical of the idea.
Not only did it mean uprooting my family and moving to Wales for a year, but more than that, I was concerned that it might turn into just another low grade reality show, in which the historical concept would be relegated to a back Garden Protection seat.