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Solutions to Resolve QuickBooks Error Code 1625

Method 1: Change the UAC settings

First, go to the Start menu.
Type "MSCONFIG" in the search bar and press Enter.
When the UAC window prompt appears on the screen, you must select the Next tab.
Go to Tools, check the Change User Account Control settings option, and click Start.
Select the "Never notify" option.
If you are prompted to restart your system, select the option to restart your computer.
After completing all the above steps, restart the QuickBooks Desktop software and check if the error is resolved.

Method 2: Configure Software Restriction Policy

First, click the Start tab and go to Control Panel.
Next, open Administrative Tools and go to Local Security Settings.
Select a software restriction policy.
If no software restriction policies are defined, right-click the Software Restriction Policies node.
Next, select the New Software Restriction Policy option.
Next, you need to double-click on "Enforcement".
Next, go to ``Everyone except local administrators'' and click the ``OK'' tab.
Finally, restart the system to apply the changes you made.

Method 3: Run regedit.

Click the Start tab.
Type the command in the search bar without pressing Enter.
Press Ctrl + Shift and press Enter.
If the permission dialog box appears, click Yes.
A black box with a blinking cursor now appears on the screen.
Type regedit and press Enter.
Select Export from the File menu.
In the File Name field, enter the name of the backup file as Windows Installer Backup.
Select the branch of your choice and make sure you also select the Export Range field.
Next, select the Save tab and save the file with the file extension .reg.
Finally, you will need to back up your Windows Installer.