The 'punch' is hitting with second joint of your CSGOSkins finger to the fleshy part of the upper arm between the triceps and the biceps.Here are some quick thoughts for improving your "Phoenix Eye Strike":Don't use this hit as an attack.Since all my defenses are also attacks,
what I mean is that you don't break into a distance and initiate with this move. It's too dangerous -- your attacker waits for your committed action.It's safer to strike the inside of the arm, when someone else tries to hit me with a committed attack.A punch comes in high -- you see the opening up through the center, so you respond with the strike.My middle finger really does protrude above the rest.
That second "knuckle" outside of middle joint really jabs into the muscle.A classic Phoenix Eye Strike.When you jab, jab hard and short.Numb the arm with your strike -- really.It is very "doable."Have a follow-up technique for the instant the strike has made contact.In traditional Kali, the hand punches into the flesh, and as soon as it clears the arm, it comes up over the CS GO Skin, back in for an eye jab.