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Role of Flotilla fleet management system in Driver Behavior

Driver behavior in any fleet network is more important than all the other factors combined. Good driver behavior can turn a small fleet network into a large profitable organization. Similarly, if the driver’s conduct is not up to the mark, large fleets can go into bankruptcy. Moreover, the cost of vehicle management can be reduced manifold if vehicles are driven correctly. Apart from a financial perspective, if driver behavior is monitored, it can reduce the accident rate by more than one third. This ensures the safety of the driver as well as the vehicle. So, it is of utmost importance for managers to monitor driver behavior to ensure the betterment of their fleet.

Significant driver checkpoints Behavior
The flotilla fleet management system has set checkpoints on driver behavior. If any of the inspections are ticked, an instant alert is generated to the manager and the driver.

Some of these critical points are:
Over speeding is a liability to the driver’s safety, vehicle life, and financial capital. Hence, the most crucial check is placed on speeding while monitoring driver behavior. Whenever a driver speeds up the vehicle instantly or goes beyond the speed limit, an alert is generated. This alert immediately instructs the driver to slow down. It also issues warnings to the driver and notifies the manager. This way, when drivers are aware that their conduct is being monitored, they drive more carefully.

Engine Idling:
According to a Colorado government campaign named Engines Off!, many trucks idle up to eight hours a day, which can cost managers $5,000 to $12,000 in fuel per truck every year. Apart from that, excessive idling increases the maintenance cost of vehicles and causes severe environmental degradation. To minimize this habit, the check is placed on idling through a timer. For instance, if a vehicle idles more than an hour in a day, the warning is issued to the driver, and the manager is notified. This timer is set according to the demand of the customer. This feature encourages drivers to idle as minimum as possible.

Harsh Braking:
Many drivers tend to apply brakes very late. This results in harsh braking, which in turn can cause accidents. To avoid this situation, the checkpoint is set to generate an instant alert whenever brakes are applied severely. Managers also review the whole scenario through the dashboard camera and issue warning to the driver if it is his fault.

Wrong Gear:
Gears should be switched according to the speed and load on the vehicle. If this is not done correctly, the revolution per minute of the engine increases or decreases much more than the desired value. This proliferates fuel cost drastically, and can also damage the gearbox. To avoid such a scenario, sensors are placed which continuously monitor RPM value and generate alerts if the vehicle is being driven in the wrong gear.

Sharp Cornering:
Sometimes when a driver is late for delivery or pickup, he tends to drive rashly. He overtakes through narrow spaces and turns the vehicle without slowing down. This issue will be detected by the device in Flotilla fleet management. When drivers are aware that everything is being monitored, they drive more carefully.

Flotilla Star based Rating System:
All drivers in a fleet are rated through a star-based system. Monthly reports are given to the managers in which worst drivers are given one star, whereas the best ones are given a full five-star rating. These ratings depend on the number of warnings, safe driving, and mileage. Those drivers who have the least signals and provide the best distance are given five-star ratings and vice versa. Managers can reward and punish drivers according to these reports provided by Flotilla fleet management. In short, Flotilla has made driver management hell of a lot easier and much more efficient.