This week, for the July weekend's final weekend The rewards will be changed to Buy Lost Ark Gold:
Saturday, July 30th
Three Battle Items Chest one and Honing Leapstone Choice Chest II x 2
Sunday 31st July
Honing Support Selection Chest as well as Destruction Stone Selection Pouch x3
Progression bonuses added during the update of July are in place and contain The Punika Powerpass, by which it is possible to level any character instantly until item level 1302 via a one-time use of the pass. Additionally, there are Hyper Express events. That means any character who is 1302or higher (including any insta-leveled one on your roster) is able to participate in various challenges which can assist them in getting to the level of 1370. This also joins Abyssal Challenge Dungeons, which will rewards victorious players with equipment like honing.
Then, you'll be able take advantage of these additional chests if you remember to sign in on Saturday and Sunday between 3:01 AM and 2:59 AM PT on the Saturday and one time during the same times on Sunday to make your claims.
For moredetails, read the announcement of the event on Lost Ark.
Lost Ark Emotes: How To Get All 32 Emotes
In addition to the thrilling combat action and customizing fighting style cheapest Lost Ark Gold, another thing that is what makes Lost Ark one of the most popular MMORPGs has to be its Emotes system.