Its not just about losing weight, but also The Beta Switch Review about all the additional health benefits that you get from exercising, like being able to live a long and healthy life, reducing the risk of lifestyle diseases as type diabetes, cardiovascular disease or certain forms of cancer. You also get a better mental well-being, better sleep, a stronger immune system, a stronger body, more energy and you become more flexible, and much more. Try to look at it in a broader perspective than simply being thin. Exercise combined with a balanced diet have been shown to produce the best results.
Do you want to exercise, and include some weight training, but without building big muscles?Dont worry. Building muscle is hard. It is mainly genetics that determines if you find it easy to build muscle or not. Building muscle requires tremendous work, discipline and a well-planned diet. But adding some strength training into your exercise program will have many benefits.
You get stronger, you increase your combustion, fat burning and metabolism. You increase your body control and increase your well-being. You can ask for advice and get some help if you train at a gym. There are ways to do weight training without adding lots muscle mass to your body.I do some weight training about 4 to 5 times per week and I also dont want to build really big muscles. For me, working with less weight and doing more repetitions works great.