may not want to hear it, but compound exercises fall short. And this isn't based on opinion. It's based on research and the principle of specificity. Missing Essential Powervolt – Single-Leg Exercises The debate many coaches have about single-leg versus double-leg exercise is like arguing about whether you should eat only carrots or only broccoli. In reality, each vegetable offers a unique flavor and provides a certain set of nutrients, so just include them both in your diet. Throughout the week, your strength training workouts should include at least one the following: A single-leg hip oriented exercise, such as a single-leg Romanian deadlift or a Romanian deadlift lunge. A single leg knee-oriented exercise, such as an upright-torso lunge or knee tap squat. Don't think of single-leg and double-leg exercises as interchangeable. You'll still want to do lower body lifts with both legs. Why? Because compound lower-