I'm conscious that my stats are somewhat low, but remain with me. Without a food/brews without a prayer potions/super restores or RS gold any boosts/stat restoring items, I must tide 20. I dare say I could get further, but the 180 respawned in an embarrassing place and 2-hitted me. Judging from this, could I conquer JAD? I am considering a list along the lines of this: 1 Ranging Potion, 10 Brews and 16 Super Restores, 50 Diamond Bolts (e) to assist with Jad.
Any adjustments to the stock I need? And here is what I'm wearing: (Yes, it sucks. . .but has an adequate prayer bonus. . Any anything you think I must possess besides that? No more Barrows armour! Thank you Ahead of Time!What would be great equipment to use? Should I focus on strenght or about prayer bonus? And also, what's an easy way to make money? I mean the way of spending very little time on it and making some gain. I dont care if the gain is small, provided that its simple (yup im idle ). And next: is it worthwhile spending the remainder of my money on getting 70 prayer?
4th: what's a fantastic method to train mining at level 72? And 5th: what's the perfect way to train smith cheaply? (I currently make mith bolts in blast furnace) 6th (and last): is utilizing yew longbows worthwhile to train fletching from 73 to 80? Or cheap RuneScape gold should continue using maples? (I utilize stealing creation knives, got a big supply of them) (Really only had 1 question, but ended up putting in a few others too )