If the Holy Bible is the most powerful book Sacred Sound Healing System Review on earth, how will we ever know for sure? Church leaders whose lives are financed by their followers will often find it very difficult to admit the truth. The Holy Bible might not have been a book that was actually written or inspired by God, but could have easily been written by a small group of men whose individual books got selected by a committee of men to form a book, that created Christianity.The next time that someone tells you that the Holy Bible is the written word of God or was inspired by God, you should ask for some type of evidence from them to support their claims. This shouldn't be very difficult, especially if the Bible truly is the most powerful book on earth.
I'm recalling just now some of the many saving graces that have acted throughout my life, particularly for the 2003/04 period, when life was unusually dark for me. Henry Drummond's 19th Century The Greatest Thing in the World essay proved one of those saving graces--a tall cedar in the spiritual resurrection of a broken man. I dictated the essay neatly onto 90-minute audio tapes and played it over and over, giving copies also to friends. At the time I needed a lot of love and hope as my faith was slowly rebuilt, from firmer foundations, starting from the ground up.
But the message of this essay is not only for those ailing; it is a sweet monologue from God. Let's take a little gander at its fundamental premise.What hinges this classical piece is the central aspect of the summum bonum--the Supreme or Highest Good. The Latin word "summum" gives it an 'end' flavour-it could otherwise be viewed as the 'summary good.'