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The Not So Hidden God

BeaLarrieu's picture
Submitted by BeaLarrieu on Wed, 09/23/2020 - 00:50

The presence of God is not limited to our The Medici Code Reviewspecies. Who among us cannot see the hand of God in the way elephants will mourn the death of one of their own, or in the loyalty of dogs to their owners or the fierce protectiveness of a mother lioness towards her cubs? Call it "instinct" if you must but I see in that instinct an expression of love.

Ah! But you say, if God is everywhere, where is he when children in Somalia starve to death or when warlords recruit children to kill or when politicians act out of greed instead of following the conscience? How do we explain the seeming absence of God in the killing fields of Cambodia or the Holocaust? The French philosopher, Camus, put it powerfully. "Explain to me how God allows the suffering of children in our world and I will believe in Him."

I don't pretend to have an answer for Camus. Much greater intellects than mine have grappled with the mystery of evil in our midst. What helps me to reach even a glimmer of understanding of something so beyond me, is to acknowledge the awesome power in each of us to choose evil over good. It is not that God is absent but that we have the freedom to blind ourselves to His presence.