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Negative Calorie Foods Might Be Your Key to Successful Weight Loss

Fad diets (low carb, low fat, low calorie, etc.)CarboFix Review in theory seems like they will work. However, with those types of programs, they want you to seriously reduce nutrients and calories. The fact of the matter is that the body needs fats (the healthy type), it needs carbs (good carbs such as fiber), and it needs a reasonable amount of calories to prevent it from shutting down the metabolism, and this leads me to that single most effective tip that got me the body of my dreams...

To lose tummy fat fast and drop several pounds, the best thing to do is to eat in a way to trigger your metabolism to seriously increase to the maximum. The ways you can do this are calorie shifting, eating several small healthy meals daily, NEVER skipping breakfast, avoid eating no less than 3 hours before you go to bed, including spices with your meals, increasing your fiber intake, and more.

As soon as I stopped all that fad dieting nonsense and went on a program (that really didn't even feel like a diet by the way) that was based on naturally boosting my metabolism using the most important thing our bodies love... which is FOOD, I quickly started seeing a difference. Ultimately, I wound up flattening my belly area, I lost my irritating love handles, and I dropped SEVERAL pounds quickly, easily and permanently.