If the above thesis is accurate, one would, Thought Manifestation Review of necessity, have to come to the conclusion that without being in possession of revelation concerning spiritual truths found in any portion of Scripture, the most one could possibly have is an opinion... a conjecture. On the other hand, when the Holy Spirit imparts revelation, you now have the faith of God concerning that word (Rom10:17) -
"And this proves that faith comes from a Message heard, and that Message comes through its having been spoken by Christ." [1912 Weymouth New Testament] The question that should occupy our attention, in light of this, is: "... But when the Son of Man comes, will He find on this earth anyone with faith?" Lk.18:8b [Contemporary English Version] Next, we will consider the subject of how one can get himself into a place conducive for receiving revelation, thus becoming positioned for walking by Biblical faith.
The 3 major signs of spiritual awakening are feelings that more and more people feel every day, to the extent that they have become a hallmark of our modern lives. Our personal signs of spiritual awakening reflect and are a small part of the spiritual awakening of humanity as a whole.