Over the last century, child custody criteria defining child custody changed drastically. In fact, fathers had always been granted complete custody of children in separation in earlier times.
However, in contested custody cases today, in which the mother usually earns less than the father, it does not automatically allow the father to keep the children in the event of separation.
The standards in the earlier times, which gave fathers full custody of the children, shifted to today's policy, which presumed the mothers to be the first caregiver. The system was replaced with the overall best interests of the children.
The children's overall best interest - standard considers many factors and is supposed to lead the courts in judgments. Nevertheless, today courts continue to regard the mother as the first caregiver.
Mothers always provide primary care for their children and are still involved in all responsibilities of nurturing and raising their children. While few mothers may be at a disadvantage financially at the beginning of their separation, more mothers are becoming educated with information and strategies on how to enhance their child custody case.
Nonetheless, fathers and mothers both play an essential role in supporting their children's development and growth. But when parents' divorce and child custody cases are contested, the family courts and judges are confronted with the challenging task of determining where the child should live and what parenting agreement is in the child's best interest.
The value of preparation for a custody battle cannot be underestimated. Equip yourself to combat this battle and win your kids back. In the unfavorable situation that parents cannot work out custody issues, you require a lawyer who will rest at nothing to battle for you and your family's best benefits.
You need a child custody attorney who will take the opportunity to know your matter, qualified, and prepared to go to battle for your benefits. If this sounds like you, we at Eric Child Custody, the Best Child Custody Attorney in Anaheim, CA, are here to assist. Call 1-714-916-9800 for an appointment.