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Mastering Last-Minute Exam Preparation for Exam in One Day
"The most stressful event in a student’s life is the exams, especially final examinations. Students often associate the stress and worry of exams with exam preparation. The stress of covering the entire syllabus is common among the toppers and the late bloomers. But somehow, students find themselves a day before the exam without proper preparation.

Maybe it’s procrastination or simply students have too much to cover. But there is still hope. It is possible to prepare for an exam even a day before. They only need focus and excellent tips and tricks to get good results. Here are the 10 tricks for How to prepare for the exam in one day.

Related Read: What is Viva Exam?

Hacks To Prepare For an Exam In One Day
The truth is that exam preparation is more of a long-term process. Students can review the topics they already prepared earlier. But they cannot start the preparation a day before the exam. The tips given here will work if the student has learned the topics and is expecting a way to revise them.

Read the tips below to learn how to prepare for the exam in one day.

Review your notes
Prioritise important topics
Practice with sample questions
Summarise key points
Use mnemonic devices
Take breaks
Get a good night’s sleep
Stay hydrated and eat well
Visualise success
Avoid last-minute cramming
Further in the article, we’ll elaborate on each tip on how to prepare for the exam in one day to make the student score better."