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While it is beneficial to drink tea, some unscrupulous companies are Man Greens Review irresponsibly capitalizing on the massive demand, marketing dieting teas that contain laxatives.Often, the word "laxative" itself is removed from the boxes of these dieting teas and instead is replaced with vague terminology like "amazing fat burner" or "natural fat metabolizing agents".Deadly mixtures While there might be nothing wrong with the original herbs that are added to the dieter's teas, there is definitely something wrong with the way the ingredients have been mixed together and marketed.

Teas that contain massive amounts of aloe vera, senna and other laxatives often cause unpleasant effects that devastate individuals rather than help them. Among these effects are the following:Diarrhea- the natural response of the body to a laxative is for the excretory system to become twice or thrice as active. This after-effect of dieter's teas might result in dehydration.Vomiting- if too much organic laxative doesn't cause diarrhea, it can cause vomiting. Too much vomiting can cause dehydration as well.Nausea- nausea is general symptom that may accompany the two other symptoms discussed above.Stomach cramps- while it is rare, painful, stabbing stomach cramps can become the staple symptom of dieters who continue to use unregulated and non-FDA approved teas.

Chronic constipation- the polar opposite of diarrhea, constipating may result from the introduction of too many alkaline elements into the digestive tract. If a dieter's tea is particularly bitter, it might contain high amounts of carbon- literally, one is drinking carbon. Carbon, even during times of war, is used to halt diarrhea and dysentery.Fainting- in some rare instances, the body reacts violently to a new substance. Dieter's teas are not really teas in the strict sense- they are something else.If you have established early on that you have adverse allergies to laxatives, then dieter's teas are not for you. Better stick to exercising and proper diet.