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Lose Tummy Fat - 5 Principles to Lose That Stubborn Tummy Fat Once and For All!

One must listen to one's body and eat accordingly. Another 14 Day Rapid Soup Diet Review important thing that one can do is to listen to one's body. It is prudent to stop eating before one is full and eating just enough food will help one remain relaxed and alert. Practically, this means that one should eat slower. Give the stomach time to tell the brain that there is enough food.Curb greediness and overeating. One should learn to control one's urges and in the event of that excessive eating has become a compulsion, one should consult a therapist who can help him to understand the primary food triggers in the brain. With understanding on what triggers off the brain one can control one's natural food urges and hence curb comfort food urges.

Nobody wants to go for surgery in order to lose weight and get a slim and lean body. For those who fall under this category, here are some helpful points to take note of. Follow these tips if you really want to lose the extra weight from your body.Maintain a book for jotting down the name of the food items that you are taking in each day. This is useful for keeping track of unhealthy food items that you take but don't consciously think of. Review this book every week. Highlight the unhealthy food items and try to avoid these gradually.

Start avoiding food items with high calories. Soda, alcohol, coffee and the soft drinks contain a lot of calories. Remember, if you take 2 sodas a day, it means you are having 300 calories with that. Think how much you need to exercise to work these calories off. Be aware of these particular products. It can be hard to wean yourself off these items but you have to let your willpower kick in and overcome the urges.