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The Long Term Effects of ADHD - Why You Shouldn't Ignore Symptoms

When you have to deal with bipolarity, ProMind Complex Reviewof course you should see your doctor. But there is also a lot of self-help possible at the same time. In many cases the bipolarity is not that severe. For example you are just dealing with periods of some depression and with periods when life goes smoothly. It's quite important to regain more balance in your feelings. I don't think you want your situation to get worse. Just read the following advice and practice it.

Every day take a walk outside in the open air. Walk slowly, walk as if you were a tree, having difficulty to lift your roots/legs. It's a funny exercise! It is good both in your manic and your depressive period, because it connects you with the earth.

When you have to deal with a kind of bipolarity, even when it is minor, it's important to get a little bit more balance in your feelings and emotions. So do/work a little less when you feel good: stop before you want to stop. When you're dealing with a really depressive period: decide how long it is going to last. I don't know if you need one day, three days, one month ore three months. Just decide.