The oil cod liver is, as its name suggests, the oil obtained from the liver of this fish: in particular, of the Gadus morhua, the typical cod of the North Atlantic Ocean. It is the same fish that is used for the preparation of cod and stoccafisso (dried fish).
The cod - liver oil, intended to be taken as a dietary supplement must be refined and clarified by a filtration process, which takes place at about 0 ° c.
The cod liver oil is one of the oldest natural remedies known in the pharmacy. In the past, its use was essential to combat rickets, a typical skeletal disorder of childhood, due to a reduced intake of vitamin D. In adults this disease takes the name of osteomalacia. The recommended therapy for this condition is the administration of vitamin D, and cod liver oil is particularly rich in this vitamin.
Rickets today is a fairly rare disease, in the past, especially in Europe, they were much more common cases of malnutrition, one of the main causes of this early childhood disease.
Benefits of cod liver oil
Let's see what are the benefits of cod liver oil and how you can get the most out of it.
Nutritional values of cod oil
This oil is known for its high content of fat-soluble vitamins, especially essential fatty acids A, D and e, iodine and Omega 3. These nutritional values refer to 100 g of oil:
• KCAL: 902;
• Vitamin A: 100,000 IU;
• Vitamin D: 10,000 IU;
• Omega 3 fatty acids: 20.72 g;
• Cholesterol: 560 mg.
The recommended daily intake for children over 5 years of age is 5 ml per day, while the effective daily dose for an adult is 10 ml. To stimulate the absorption of micronutrients, it is best taken on a full stomach.
Compared to the recommended daily requirement for an adult individual, one dose of cod liver oil provides:
• 460 µg Vitamin A, 58% RDA;
• 9.2 µg vitamin D, 184% RDA;
• 9.2 Μg vitamin E, 77% RDA.
Given the excellent contribution of these micronutrients, cod liver oil is still used as a dietary supplement: however, due to its unpleasant taste, it is sold in pearls or capsules of cod liver oil, which are easier to swallow.
Benefits of cod liver oil
Thanks to the amount of Omega 3 and essential fatty acids present, cod oil is an excellent antithrombotic and anti-inflammatory. The effectiveness of this oil as a dietary supplement in the prevention of bone fractures due to osteoporosis is also very interesting: the high content of vitamin D favors the absorption of calcium and phosphorus.
1. It has healthy fats
The Omega-3 fatty acids, found in cod liver oil, promote healthy skin, increasing the absorption of vitamins and minerals can also strengthen the immune system.
Healthy fats keep you full. When you consume fat, your brain receives a signal to turn off your appetite.
Eating healthy fats with a meal helps decrease the breakdown of carbohydrates into sugar. This helps keep blood sugar levels stable. The brain needs fat to function properly.
2. Reduces arthritis pain
Cod liver oil is a general supplement for those with arthritis. The use of marine oils, such as cod liver oil, is recommended to help treat rheumatoid arthritis.
Fish oils are known to reduce inflammation, reputable studies have found that pain, tenderness, inflammation and stiffness have been reduced by dietary supplementation of fish oils.
3. Reduces age-related macular degeneration
Some studies have suggested that omega-3 oils support eye health and prevent age- related macular degeneration. A higher consumption of the nutrients in cod liver oil, such as eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), leads to a lower or late incidence of macular degeneration
Cod liver oil is rich in carotenoids, which helps produce vitamin A.
4. Prevents coronary artery disease
Daily ingestion of cod liver oil can help prevent coronary atherosclerosis. There are fatty acids in cod liver oil that act as strong antioxidants.
The accumulation of plaque in the circulatory system is a consequence of inflammation.
Therefore, regular ingestion of fish oil can help protect against arteriosclerosis. They also provide protection against blood clots.
5. Improves mental performance
The cod liver oil contains a large amount of vitamin D. A link between vitamin D and cognitive functioning was identified in a study in rats. The researchers concluded that vitamin D could play a key role in maintaining good brain function in old age.
In 2011, Rattenleberöl scientists, who put rats under chronic stress, gave them cod liver oil. Results from tests of memory, locomotor skills, and anxious behavior showed that cod liver oil helped prevent cognitive decline.
Contraindications and adverse effects of cod liver oil
Cod liver oil should be taken according to the doctor's instructions and in the recommended doses.
Overdose of vitamin A or D can lead to different side effects.
• An excess of vitamin A manifests itself as dry skin, brittle nails and hair, loss of appetite, and an enlarged liver.
• Vitamin D overdose involves the development of calcium deposits and thus the formation of stones in the kidneys and also in the arteries, especially in the aorta.
Cod liver oil should not be taken during pregnancy due to potential teratogenic risks related to vitamin A overdose.
In practice, it is a nutritional supplement that must be taken according to the exact indication of the doctor and in case of real needs.
Blood pressure is the force of blood pushing against the walls of arteries. When the doctor measures your blood pressure, the results are given in two numbers. The first number, called systolic blood pressure, is the pressure caused by your heart contracting and pushing out blood.