So you are saying require the broken cards and also make them op. Okay lol, that is exactly what that says. Tier cards aren't broken or OP, they are top tier cards for a reason. Every card plays with the same. There's no reason to Mut 21 coins use a John Ross or Tyreek Hill when any card may get 99 rate. There is no variety. The best tier cards are still used by people. The only people that don't are the theme teamers. And there is no variety in any card performs. All thanks to PU's making stats.
What do you mean? My ed hold a candle to donald with no abilities. Vick still out conducts every defender. Hill mosses me more than moss with moss busy. My game has to be broke. Need to buy packages to make a 99 play just like a 99 I figure. You are using your experience as proof when it seems that is not true for many others. Just because you are feeling your cards don't play as great does not mean that's the truth. Additionally can be Hill? Jumping over deion, ntl. Falling away cartoons.
Interesting at start of year vs end of year in MUT
Yesterday evening I dropped into a guy who had an crime devoted to triple RPOs and lateral heavy runs along with my defense left 11 pairs of climaxes on the area because this guy had an RPO for every single defense I threw it in him. It was fucking awesome! I got absolutely ruined. I really enjoyed the pounding since I had been so curious on how to stop it and that I loved running in to a new crime that is not only three plays. It was after this game. I just fucking hate losing to the same HB stretch QB blast WR Wildcat offense I know is coming again and again.
And that I will shed a number of these games no matter having three enforcers and a very run stop heavy defense which never leaves 3-4 off or 3-4 bear. Everyone is running different fashion teams and schemes and every game feels like a new adventure. Even solos aren't lame since the game is fresh and new.
This shit is wack now. 100% of groups have three enforcers which are basically individual minefields you need to prevent for dear life and I dont blame them, I do too cause if you dont you'll get your a$hole hb stretched into oblivion.
Dude you just put into words my precise feelings. No I'm not the best Madden player on earth, and just like you I'm really fine losing. But it takes all enjoyment out when you face Ed HB stretch + Bo wildcat every single game. And if you are fortunate enough to stop it these men throw picks every throw. I don't hate losing, it's just once you shed from pure exploits. Everyone's answer iswell just do it back... but that is not fun. I will not do it. I will acknowledge and respect a reduction to a fantastic competitor who outplays me to the win, not someone who has one play and is like"alright if he can discontinue this one play, I will run a different unstoppable play over and over until he could stop this, then another one" Like bro how is this even enjoyable for you to like not even have a strategy for or true challenge on your own.
I played with a guy last weekend; legit ran jet sweep every play. No matter my defensive strategy it couldn't stop. Somehow he could take it up the center every time if I actually contained the exterior. He'd legit a $1000+ team. I found him on here because he had the same id, and remarked about I am glad you spent so much updating your team only to cheap Madden 21 coins exploit the match and use one play. He tried calling out me saying that I"ran cheese run and pass plays the he could not stop" and I had been like. You mean I mixed up pass and my run expecting what you might think I'm likely to run. Such as an true SHEME? He just said"you are shit for not having the ability to stop my play". Those are.