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I began playing runescape once I was 7 following my brother introduced me to it

Submitted by Nanlina on Wed, 04/01/2020 - 18:37

When I was a kid*, similar to every other man my age in 2006, RuneScape was the hot new flavor. RuneScape was my initial"Online MultiRunescape participant" adventure of any type, and that I was instantly entranced. Unsurprisingly, RuneScape was so heavily laden with dreadful spelling and the considerably popular 1337 speak of the age, and of course, I had been part of this unruly mob. I remember asking this man in the barbarian village some questions regarding where to locate something, because RuneHQ was budding rather than completely understood of. (Does anybody even use it?)

Either way, Imagine my surprise when this man hit me with each piece of punctuation I never expected. My kid brain straight up could not wrap my head around this and I needed to cut him off with the very first question that could come to anyones head,"Are you british?" Admittedly, in retrospect, this was not a really intelligent assumption, but youthful me assumed that everyone in the United Kingdom used only proper English and punctuation even over online video games. He was actually surprisingly kind, and retorted that simply because everyone else chooses to take the brief and effortless way out of English, he shouldn't need to, he types quickly anyway so it does not make a great deal of difference to him.

I'm still not certain why this specific interaction happened heavily in my young mind, but I believe that it was just from the surprise in the moment. I mean, talking in totally normal English online in 2006 was certainly not cool in me or some person in my age group's eyes, so seeing someone with a vastly different perspective made me sort of realize that spelling and talking like a goon had its own issues, and I started to make a real effort make sure my speech was clear and intelligible. I really don't understand why I shared this story, but I think back on Runescape match with fond memories every now and then, and this is a moment that stands out to me personally, since I'm still dodging 1337 talk to this day.

I began playing runescape once I was 7 following my brother introduced me to it. At 7 years old you don't really have any idea what you are doing but I'll be damned if I didn't seem fly as fuck in my own priest gowns and frog mask. The most limiting factor of Runescape game at that point wasn't ranging chickens in full bronze, so it was the fact I could type about 3 words per minute, so I couldn't really communicate with anyone. Fast forward 5 years old 12 and I was in year 6 in college and won the course typing competition using a speed of 70+ WPM while every other non-runescape playing virgin was sitting in 20-40 WPM. I then banged the teacher and all of the bitches in my course. And now I am nearly 21, still playing runescape regular and can type ~100WPM, still bang Mr. Green about the side cause I'm this epic typist.

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