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I agree on the first stage

I have got two that seem to catch me a great deal of shit once I discuss them. The death mechanisms in RuneScape are completely neutered (including after this update) and completely fly in the face of the spirit of rs2.OSRS gold was a dangerous game. Death was constantly in the back of the possible deaths of players in addition to your head, your death that is possible. Since you could get free shit seeing somebody running around on low hp was a huge adrenaline rush. While you're afk hell, almost every random event could turn around and kill your ass. The threat of death generated a very intriguing meta-dynamic across the entire game where whenever you're doing something remotely dangerous, you had to make a determination about how much equipment you wished to bring together, to hit the ideal balance between speed (because of good/expensive equipment ) and hazard and your own level of skill and confidence.

This entire dynamic is utterly gone in OSRS, and I have never really understood why a neighborhood who's frequently so discriminated against change (sometimes without even any good reason) appears so broadly accepting of this type of fundamental change to the spirit of RuneScape. The manner passing worked in RuneScape was a thing which set it apart from other MMOs of it's time, such as WoW. People place their interests above the health and longevity of RuneScape when voting in polls. We will need to let Jagex upgrade and include items that are big to RuneScape. Big updates would be the lifeblood of an ancient game like OSRS. There are some important"off limits" areas for this community, where it feels like it's almost impossible for Jagex to pass an update, including new ability (s), new training procedures, and fresh strong items/gear.

There is going to come a day where something must give and they will need to add something like a new ability, or"tier 80" items, or a brand new training way of your favorite 99 you have that may be 7 percent faster than it was when you did it. If we never let any of the stuff into RuneScape, it is just going to bleed players out and die down the street. The other day, a post was about thing sinks, for saying that death is the perfect item sink if we make it to be and that I had been downvoted.

As for abilities, I think that Jagex has yet to propose a new ability that would be novel. Warding is grindy, sailing is just dungeoneering (however it could be a great raids 3), and artisan inherits all of slayer's problems. A new skill appears more like a promotion move; seriously, what sort of activity is different from the content that is present it justifies its own skill? I agree on everything else, though. The option is stagnation, although power creep is a concern. RuneScape should get items and coaching methods over time, and more powerful bosses should be meant by that, and so on.

I agree on the first stage, but the next one I can not see where you are coming from. No updates? Did you play back in real 2007 or at 2013 when RuneScape gold buy premiered? RuneScape is just nothing like the original edition. We've got a whole new continent for fucks sake. Weapons/gear? The majority of them should be tier 90. Just how much more do you want? For training procedures, pretty much all abilities have had some updates that have changed their training procedures. So I wholly agree with your point, however, you have to rethink the other one IMO.

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