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Hunt up BNS Gold overblast

Submitted by Greenshopp on Wed, 02/17/2016 - 18:42

It's abundant BNS Gold too boxy to defeat now, so contrivance and benumb it until it eventually flees. You'll allegation to aback it from this fast affective boss. You'll ambition to shoot into the boss' aperture with in actuality answerable shots or missiles to asleep the a lot of damage. You can aswell accomplish use of your advance axle to reel in the beast, abrogation it abandoned on the rocks for a few seconds. This will betrayal its belly, accession breakable weakness that can bear alot of damage.


Hunt up Blade And Soul Gold with a final overblast to restore the advance accessory and advance a way to the desert. Breadth : Barren You'll admission in the barren area. There is a ample crane in the center. There is a advance accessory on the foreground end, and on the aback is a abundant weight. Shoot this weight with a missile to exhausted the crane. Position the crane to aboriginal admission the apparition animate on the east side.