Cryocoolers are standalone Cryogenic chambers productsthat are designed to create cryogenic temperatures in A Certain application. They are known for Their reliability, low vibration operation, and maintenance free usage. They are used in applications Where a conversion from watts to kilowatts in terms of heat load is required. Generally, the kilowatt range is between 50 and 150K. On an average, cryocoolers Can provide 14 to 28 Newtons per Ampere.
Design and Operation of Non-standard customized product
Generally, cryocoolers compris two linear motors with no moving parts. The only components are That do move the piston in the linear motors. They move in balanced pairs to form the ambient temperature Pressure-Wave Generator (PWG), the power source for the cooling cycle. The cryocooler is intricately designed with Particular That Provide components for smooth operation. The lack of moving parts or contact seals Removes any need for regular maintenance. The following are the various components within a cryocooler:
Motor housing
Compliance tank
Clearance seal pistons (for easy operation)
Regenerator shell
Regenerator (heat pump)
Vacuum flange
After cooler
Cooling inlet and outlet
Cold heat exchanger
Fill and purge valve
Pressure gauge
Pressure switch
Pressure wave generator (PWG)
Thermal buffer
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