Sometimes you'll push a button to head the ball, and your player will swing his foot at it. Sometimes you'll push a button to kick a cross in, and your player will damply head it no more than a few feet ahead of himself. Sometimes you'll hold down the pass button for Fifa 16 Coins a couple of seconds to reach a distant player, and you'll instead kick it a couple of feet towards the nearest, most pointless teammate.
Sometimes you'll press the through-ball button and push right, and the through-ball will target a player to your left. While we may demand that referees be more accurate during real football matches, the FIFA 15 video game referees are a little too accurate.
How can we blame them? They're controlled by a computer, after all. But still, real life referees wouldn't catch that one millionth of a millimeter where your forward was offside. But perhaps that's EA's way of Cheap Fifa 16 Coins replicating the frustration players on the pitch feel towards offside calls.